Wednesday, July 29, 2009

so i dont no if i could live with electricity

So here I sit in complete and utter silence, bored out of my freaking mined with only my nearly dead cellphone and laptop in front of me. A storm has just come by it was all of three minutes but it knocked out my power and ive been sitting here for um... lets see an hour!

I just don't understand how people can do this live without electricity. Now I didn't have cable for almost the last 3years and I have recently been forced to buy my own phone that doesn't have a camera because guess what... I'm paying my own bills.. and all my friends tell me I'm stuck in the old ages and its 2009 get with the program. However, I've always had some time of technology I may not have a camera phone but I have a phone, didn't have cable but I had a tv.

So my question is I no when my phone and laptop die im going to be going insane, so how exactly do people go on a day to day basis without some form of electricity?

The answer is they don't! At some point they have to see or use something with technology, so if they say they don't their lying. Even the Amish come to town and cook food in that nice rotisery oven. I dont even have a stove right now because ..guess what its electric.

So should we be less technology dependent. Yes! But hey I'm an evolved creature and with it came a phone, lights, tv, computer, stove, car, and everything else I like. Shame on who ever says that I don't need these things.

the untold truth...C.Mone`


  1. Ummm..... Amish people use wood stoves. They don't go in to town to cook. Maybe some Mennonites, but I doubt that too. Sounds like you have too many attachments in life. So shame on me. I only have a cell phone because my work pays for it. I don't have cable or TV. No, you don't NEED those things. There is a neverending list of things to do without electricity.

  2. You are right there are alot of things to do without electricity but not in the house at night during a storm which is when i posted this.. I haven't had cable in a long time but other than that i have had a a cell and computer. you obviously have a computer since you are commenting on my blog. And although i could read a book.. its kinda hard to do with out light and really unhealthy for your eye. and when no one is in the house to talk to its like being stuck on a abandoned island alone. so you are right shame on you. i dont have too many attachments i reasonable needs considering how much the human raise has evovled and the fact that without a computer or a phone something could happen to me and no one would ever know so when your power goes out in a storm i hope nothing happens and you cant use your phone.
