Monday, October 12, 2009

my take on the one night stand

Those who know me know I'm am so nosy... I cant help it I get it from my grandmother. anyway.. I sat in my business and commerce class today when I heard the most upsurd random thing to be said aloud while someone is waiting for a class to begin.

woman: yea friday night ! came home at 7 after happy hour I  passed out on the bed my daughter came to check on me but I wouldn't budge.

man: why'd you pass out?

woman:well I went out cuz I'd been sick for a few weeks and I'd hadnt been feeling to good.

man: You know what a week ago I had a one night stand I was talking to this girl she said she
hadn't been feeling to good she was always tired, sore throat, headache, so I said cool well
lets go back to your place...and you know what like the next day I started having all of her

In my head I said you idiot... I hope you like death because... you've just got AIDS... first why is it cool to have a one night stand..this is where the term dirty p***s comes from, secondly if someone told me they came to the bar and was sick I would definitely turn and walk the other way it is certainly a time when swine flu is taking over i don't know about you but I cant take time off work I like money and have an adversion to things that keep me from making it... so next time if you think bout having a one night stand do the following check list:

1. do I value life
2. is this person clean
3. would my mother approve can this affect my money

the truth untold....C.Mone`

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