Thursday, September 10, 2009

brown sugar

I sit here watching brown sugar and I've come to realize one thing, its rare that we'll ever find love like that. But the question is when you do find it will it last. How rare is it that your best friend becomes the best man you've ever be with. How often is it that you will find any man who will know you in and out who will be a lover, friend, and confidant. I know it isn't something you come around often, but I wouldn't mind finding one who could do for me the things I didn't even know I needed done.

baby does not equal redemption

So I looked at a magazine cover not to long ago and I happened to see Kourtney Kardashian talking about how her baby saved her relationship. Maybe its me but a baby should not be the way to make a relationship work. Babies can't help you keep a man, nor should they be a reason to stay in relationship that you should really get out of...Maybe she didn't even mean it the way it came out. However the statement, " My baby saved my relationship", should never be made.