Saturday, January 9, 2010


It's Friday night well technically Sunday morning, and I'm sitting here wondering why am I here alone. I have officially been back home from attending school in Virginia for a year now,and I still don't know anyone here.I find that my life has become a victim of contentment and redundancy. I am either one of three places, school, home, or work. Its so BORING!!!! This is not how a beautiful, intelligent, classy twenty year old such as myself should be spending her time. I want to meet people, go places; I want to enjoy these youthful unforgetful years that I am in.

It's not just not having a boyfriend to take me out and give me the time of my life,
I'm also without the friends who understand and care for me through everything. Its about feeling like you have no support system no friends. I'm a talkative person, but its hard for me to meet people because new situations and myself just don't mix.

I don't make resolutions I think they are silly and pointless because they are never followed through but I will make a promise to myself. This year I will get out there and meet people, put myself into new situations and become a more fulfilled satisfied person.

the unspoken truth.. C.Mone`

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