Sunday, July 26, 2009

Flaws and All

Earlier today I was watching true life the first episode was " I hate my large breast", the second was " I hate my small breast", and the last was " I'm uncomfortable in my new body". I sat there and listened to how disappointed these people were with their bodies whether large or small and it saddened me. But what it did show was that you need to love yourself, FLAWS and ALL!!!! No matter what you do in life your always going to have things within yourself that your unhappy with but changing those physical things may not always be the way to fix yourself the only way to really fix it is to change the way you personally view yourself. No ones perfect and if you keep trying to change your physical appearance without first becoming happy with the person you are, you will eventually look in the mirror and still see flaws because hacking away at your body doesn't fix your emotion deformities. In fact in fixing the way you view yourself you may just see that the things your say as problems really weren't, but your emotional defects where appearing to you in a physical form.

I guess what I'm trying to say is stop focusing on the physical... you were born so love yourself and if you still have issues then fix them. But you can but a girl in a ball gown and make her look like a princess, but if she thinks she looks worst then the next girl no amount of make-up can make her beautiful...

the untold truth....C.Mone

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